The CMS collaborators at UCSD worked with the San Diego Supercomputing Resource to run the processing on the Gordon supercomputer. Gordon is an XSEDE resource and does not include a traditional OSG Globus Gatekeeper. Also, we did not have root access to the cluster to install a gatekeeper. Therefore, Bosco was used to submit and manage the GlidienWMS Condor glideins to the resource.
Running jobs at Gordon, the SDSC supercomputer |
As you can see from the graph, we reached nearly 4,000 CMS processing jobs on Gordon. 4k cores is larger than most CMS Tier 2's, and as big as a European Tier-1. With Bosco, overnight, Gordon became one of the largest CMS clusters in the world.
Full details will be written in a submitted paper to CHEP '13 in Amsterdam, and Bosco will be presented in a poster (and paper) as well. I hope to see you there!
(If I got any details wrong about the CMS side of this run, please let me know. I have intimate knowledge of the Gordon side, but not so much the CMS side).